ZonMw and NFU launch European Research Priorities
On April 15, 2010, the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU) and ZonMw organised the conference “Healthy Ageing: a European Research Priority, the Dutch Perspective” at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. Two European Commissioners, Mr John Dalli (Public Health and Consumer Policy) and Ms. Maire Geoghegan-Quinn (Research and Innovation) were present and both held a warm advocacy for placing Healthy Ageing high on the European research agenda. European parliamentarian Judith Merkies, hostess at the conference, also emphasized that Healthy Ageing should become a top priority for the European Parliament. Other invited speakers were: Prof. Inge Hutter (University of Groningen), Prof. Huib Pols (Erasmus MC), Prof. Erik Buskens (UMC Groningen), Prof. Jaap C. Seidell (VU Amsterdam), Prof. Gabriel P. Krestin (Erasmus MC), Mr. Maurits Ros (AMC Amsterdam), and Prof. Charles Mgone (European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership).
Source: ZonMw (in Dutch)