1st European Workshop on Population Imaging. November 5, 2010, Rotterdam.
The need to organize sustainable imaging infrastructures for European research is well known among and has been explicitly expressed by the members of the European imaging community and European policy makers. This European Population Imaging Infrastructure (EPI2) will be strongly linked to the Euro-BioImaging initiative. Euro-BioImaging is one of only 10 biomedical sciences infrastructure proposals included on the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap. The objective is for the Netherlands to host the Population Imaging Infrastructure within Euro-BioImaging.
The European Population Imaging Infrastructure will provide a dedicated environment for coordination of data acquisition at different locations or different time points to be directly compared and communally analyzed, thereby exponentially increasing the impact of population imaging studies.
The purpose of the workshop will be to:
- Bring together major population studies already performing or interested in adding imaging in their respective healthy or diseased cohorts for research purposes;
- Disseminate information regarding achievements and advances in relation to population imaging practices (efforts to improve exchange of data/samples between population studies and harmonisation, development of standards and tools, technical solutions, etc);
- Identify obstacles encountered by European research teams and discuss potential solutions;
- Identify potential areas for cross-project collaboration among European researchers;
- Discuss the most urgent needs for improving population imaging research.
The meeting was a big success, with over 60 participants from 9 European countries. Participants to the workshop were coordinators, radiologists, and epidemiologists, involved in large European population studies.
Report, including list of participants