
MDC-CV Study

Malmö Diet and Cancer Study – Cardiovascular Subcohort

Study website: www.med.lu.se/klinvetmalmo/mkc_mfm
Organization website: www.med.lu.se
Study population size:  6103 participants (random sample of MDC cohort; n = 28449)
Study population:  healthy participants,  46-68 years old
Imaging modality 1: Ultrasound – Carotid

Key publications:

  • Rosvall M, et al. Occupational status, educational level and the prevalence of carotid atherosclerosis in a general population sample of middle-aged Swedish men and women. Results from the ”Malmö Diet and Cancer Study”. Am J of Epidemiology,  2000.
  • Hedblad B, et al. Relation of insulin resistance to carotid atherosclerotic disease in nondiabetic subjects.  Results from a cross-sectional study in Malmö, Sweden. Diabetic Med, 2000.
  • Engström G, Melander O, Hedblad B. Carotid intima-media thickness, systemic inflammation and incidence of heart failure hospitalizations. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2009.


SNAC-K Study

The Swedish National study of Aging and Care in Kungsholmen

Study website: www.snac-k.se
Organization website: www.snac-k.se
Study population size:  3363 participants
Study population:  healthy participants,  60 years and older
Imaging modality 1: MRI – Brain

Key publications:

  • Meinow B, et al. According to need? Predicting the amount of municipal home help allocated to elderly recipients in an urban area of Sweden. J of Health and Social Services in the Community, 2005.
  • Lagergren M, et al. A longitudinal study integrating population, care and social services data. The Swedish National study on Aging and Care (SNAC). Aging Clin Exp Res 2004.
  • Zhang Y, et al. Acceleration of hippocampal atrophy in a non-demented elderly population: the SNAC-K study. Int Psychoger, 2010.