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image analysis

We have access to a wide range of fantastic (AI) tools, developed by our own researchers. With the help of our experienced research software engineers, we can reuse these for new clinical applications.

data services

A structured database that adheres to the FAIR principles is crucial for the quality of imaging studies. We combine the expertise of research software engineers and data managers to accomplish such a structured database.

software development

In addition to the image analysis processing that we do ourselves, we can also make this become part of user-friendly software for a specific user.

Clinical implementation

We want to minimize the gap between in-house developed software and patient care. So, is there a high demand for certain imaging software in the clinical workplace that cannot be met by a commercial product? In addition to developing the software, we also provide support in technical and legal implementation.

Example Projects

The services offered by the Imaging Office are very versatile. Have a look at some example projects.

How to make use of our service

The Imaging Office works with a standardized service request form on which can be indicated which services are requested with regard to imaging data, image analysis and image processing. The form can be found and submitted through the contact page. After reception of the fully completed request form, a confirmation of receipt will be sent within three working days and an intake interview will be scheduled within ten working days. On the basis of the intake interview it will be decided whether it is possible to accept the request. There will be costs associated with the service provided. These costs could be included in a grant application. An indication for the price for grant applications can also be requested via the service request form. Please indicate clearly in the explanation if a price indication is needed.

Imaging Office Workflow


Funding opportunities for industry

on December 16, 2024

As Population Imaging Flagship node Rotterdam, the Imaging Office is connected to the European Biomedical Imaging Infrastructure Euro-BioImaging. Via this infrastructure the Imaging Office is able to provide its services on a European level. Via Euro-Bio Imaging we recently received two funding opportunities for industry to make use of the services of the Imaging Office:

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Workshop on Preclinical Imaging Data Analysis

on December 15, 2024

Two weeks ago, the AMIE core facility together with the Imaging Office, organized a workshop focused on Data Analysis Techniques for Preclinical Imaging. We provided the participants with essential insights and skills for analyzing preclinical imaging data and the opportunity to network with fellow researchers and industry. We were able to do this through the enthusiastic involvement of experts like Christian Vanhove (Image processing basics), Ilva van Houwelingen (Advanced image processing techniques + Hands-on training with freeware: Weasis and 3D slicer), Theo van Walsum (Hands-on training with freeware: MeVisLab), Oleh Dzyubachyk (Analysis of small animal imaging data: examples, challenges, and opportunities) and Joanes Grandjean (Data curation).

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30 European players join forces to form a 'European space for AI in healthcare'

on October 24, 2024

The Health Data Hub (HDH) and its consortium have won a European call for projects with the SHAIPED project, aimed at developing artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for medical devices. With a total budget of €4 million, this selection is the 10th of the HDH for European calls for projects, confirming its commitment to the development of digital health in Europe.

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Scientific Report 2023

on July 29, 2024

The department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine has published its yearly scientific report for 2023. This publication provides a nice overview of the scientific output of BIGR, as well as the other research groups in the Erasmus MC Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine. Interested? You can find the full report here.

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